Welcome to the Faculty Syllabus Upload Tool.


ACCJC, our accrediting body, requires documentation of course syllabi that have been distributed to students. These syllabi must include student learning outcomes that are consistent with the approved course of record outline for the class. Syllabi retention also provides students with important documentation of their courses. 


Please log in to upload your course(s) syllabi. Once logged in, your course sections will appear. Simply drag and drop your electronic files into the corresponding course sections. You will be prompted with a green success message when your files have been successfully submitted. If you are teaching a cross-listed course, please upload your syllabus to each course section.


Allowable file extensions are PDF, docx (MS-Word), and RTF (Rich Text Format). If you normally write your syllabus in Google Docs, please save as a PDF before uploading.


Thank you for submitting your syllabi electronically. You do not need to submit hard copies to your department or division office.